Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County
Empowering APRNs to improve health through philanthropy, education and leadership

Why I Choose NPCPBC - Members share their "why"!

Posted 3 months ago by Jennifer Kuretski

"It is imperative as nurse leaders and patient providers that we network with others so we can stay current, remain encouraged, and grow professionally. The Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County does this and more, from educational dinners, creative fun social events, and engaging annual conferences. It is also an incredible platform for students and new Nurse Practitioners to learn from business owners, legal advocates, and multidisciplinary brothers and sisters.”

Jenn Fleigelman DNP, APRN, NP-C - Program Chair

Thank you for your membership to NPCPBC.  If you are not yet a member or your membership has expired, consider renewing this year!  Members, if you would like to share your WHY, email us at with your headshot and 2-3 sentences about why you choose NPCPBC and we will share on our website and social media platforms this year.