Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County
Empowering APRNs to improve health through philanthropy, education and leadership

NP Council PBC Announces NP of the Year - Congratulations Dr. Jennifer Fleigelman!

Posted 3 months ago by Regina Sanders

Education Chair Katie Diamond and Advisory Council Member Andi Devine present member Jennifer Fleigelman with the NP Council of PBC  Nurse Practitioner of the Year Award.

Dr. Jenn Fleigelman is active in advancing the role of the nurse practitioner and advocating for autonomous practice.  In addition to enhancing the field, she is a highly respected advanced practice nurse maintaining a healthy patient load at a local primary care clinic. She opens her schedule to mentoring future generations of APRNs through clinical rotations. Her experience does not stop at the clinical level or classroom arena. Dr. Fleigelman is also heavily invested in the students she teaches at Palm Beach Atlantic University. She makes every encounter worthwhile and full of education.  She is very spiritual and an overall wonderful person. Her devotionals before every meeting are relaxing and bring back focus to why we are advancing our careers.